
Illume Insider

Developed a brand around my personal zine project. Project began as part of a 1 year honors project at Cal State Fullerton.

Challenge: Create a logo that reflects open-minded thinking and the main goal of Illume Insider which is to showcase a behind the scenes look into how diverse people are in both their personalities and thinking.

Logo | Brand Deck | Typography | Photoshop | Illustrator | InDesign | Photoshop | Photography


Illume Insider logo.

Business Cards

Image of Illume Insider business cards.

Pages from Brand Deck

Showing pages from the Illume Insider brand deck.

Daily Titan Logo Refresh

Senior Graphic Designer (in-house) for the Daily Titan (Advertising). Goal of the project was to make the Daily Titan logo adaptable to different sizes and to change the type to a typeface that looks and reads better. The original logo had issues with the type since it was handmade and not designed to work well when made into initials or put next to other text, so the type was changed to Futura Bold as it is similar to the original handmade type. The shield was simplified by removing the circle because the circle inside the shield made the logo hard to read when going down to smaller sizes

Challenge: Design a logo that works on smaller items such as pens. The logo needs to retain visual characteristics from the old logo that the community can still recognize as the Daily Titan.

Logos | Typography | Media Kit | Cover Design | Publication Design | In-House Graphic Design

Banner of main Daily Titan logo with a faded background of a newspaper scan.

Logo Variations

Table showing eight different Daily Titan logo variations.

DT Cart Front Decals

Photo of the front and right side of the DT cart.

DT Cart Back Decals

Photo of the back and left side of the DT cart.

Original Logo Before Redesign

Daily Titan logo before redesign.

Rate Card | Media Kit | Daily Newspaper | Adventure Guide Special Issue

New Daily Titan logo on rate card, media kit, daily newspaper, and special publication.

CSUF University Honors Program Logo

Logo created for the University Honors Program at Cal State Fullerton. Honors Advisory Council wanted a logo to represent honors students, but also have unconventional aspects to the current trend of academic logos.

Challenge: Design a logo that resembles a traditional academic logo/seal. Maintain some elements from the offical Cal State Fullerton logo.

Logo | Illustrator | Academic Branding


UHP logo.


14x22 sign made for advertising the program.

University Honors Program Website

Screenshot of the University Honors Program website from June 2019.

Christopher Trinh (CQT) Logo

Logo created for personal branding.

Challenge: Create a logo that represents my current style of colorful designs with geometric linework while also showcasing my design ability.

Logo | Illustrator | Typography

Logo Style Guide

Logoboard of Christopher Trinh's personal logo.